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Why the surname Oddershede?
Where does the
family name Oddershede originate from?
Below you can read about
the origin of the family name Oddershede. Today the name
is tied to a farm located at Oddershede as well as to the
road leading up to the farm. A family is thus named after
the farm. |
![]() Finally we found it--- (around 1980). Find Oddershedevej in (accepter 'Save' and then 'Open') Years later......
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The Oddershede family from Hillerslev
parish This
is about Lars Source:
Skals: Nordisk Slægsforskning (Nordic
genealogy) 1980. From
the above publication I know that At the local history archive in Thisted Thisted Lokalhistoriske Arkiv , a pdf-file (0.3 megabyte) Oddershedegård about Oddershedegård can be downloaded. The file contains, among other things, censuses in Skovsted. This file should keep you occupied for a while! But it reveals that the place name dates back to the 17th century. But it is difficult to conclude, whether the name used for a certain poerson just is mention of the place - or part of the surname. At the website www.wegeberg.dk, the name Oddershede appears three
times: In 1721 Peder Christen of Odshede fathers
a daughter called Kiersten Pedersdatter Odshede. In 1754
she gives birth to a daughter called Kirsten
Christensdatter Oddershede who dies in 1833. Whether Lars
An author L. Both wrote in 1872, that the
place was called Oddersig, but since there was build some
houses the named it Odders Hede.'Odder' is the English
'utter' and 'hede' is 'moor'. It is uncertain where Both
found information about the origin/transformation of the
name Oddersig to Oddershede, since the name Oddershede
dates so far back. Oddersig may have been the name of the
hollow and Oddershede the area up the hill? I think so
because Oddersig: a sig is a low-lying area
which fits perfectly into the picture with the (now)
drained area north of Oddershedegård which is
located in the hollow. It is interesting that the name
Oddersig exists as a family name see
the 1840 census in Thisted county, Hillerslev district,
østerild parish. Folketælling 1840 Thisted Amt, Hillerslev Herred, østerild Sogn Family around the world It is easy on Internet today to see, that you can find an Oddershede in many corners of the world besides Denmark. In the same source, as mentioned abow, we find two brothers Kristian Oddershede (1881- ca. 1925) and Knud Oddershede (1883- ?),who around 1910 emmigrated to Chile. They were grandchildren of Lars Peter Knudsen Oddershede. Especially in Chile you find many with that surname! If you use Facebook you can find Oddershede both from Denmark, Chile and Sweden! This is a photo of one of Kristian's and Knud's brothers: Martin Oddershede (1884-1971) with his wife and their children, of whom one girl still is going strong!(2011) Link to article on the Chile branch in details! Photo: 1946, Knud Larsen, Slangerup |
Lars Peter Knudsen Oddershede bought Bromølle 1879. In
1888, when he sellsOddershedegård,
he lease an acreage in Kelstrup parish for 49 years and bild a
windmill. (Photo without year).
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